Saturday, November 19, 2016
Public Access

November 2016
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8:00am [8:00am] Holiday Sale
Get a jump on your holiday shopping with our annual holiday sale. Use the gift giving season to get them some necessities that they need anyway- like new sparring gear or uniforms, some extra training gear that will help them practice at home, or splurge on some fun seasonal items for their room that will help reinforce that they are part of a positive, powerful martial arts lifestyle. Our annual holiday sale will be Nov 19th from 8:00 am to 11:00 am. This gives you a chance to come to school and shop without the kids, so it can be a true surprise for them. There will be special sales for that day as well. Catalogs and ideas are also available now so you can maybe research what your kids like and want.

12:00pm [12:00pm] Stick Fighting Seminar
GMA will continue its stickfighting seminar series at GMA-M. As always previous attendance or experience, while helpful, is not necessary to learn about using this weapon.

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