F.A.S.T. Defense
Fear Adrenaline Stress Training
Our KIDS FAST DEFENSE Class covers:
• How to deal with bulllies in a zero tolerance school setting
• How to find your voice
• Strategies to deal with strangers
• How to use your voice and fight against a possible abduction
Realistic, age appropriate scenarios give kids the chance to practice both the boundary setting
skills and hit an armored assailant. This class gives your kid a fighting chance, and you don't have
to wear the angry white pajamas to learn how to be safe from bullies and predators.
FAST Defense Basics is a step by step process that allows students to recondition the freeze
response into one of amazing power and strength. Since the adrenal rush is a natural instinctual
reaction to a stressful situation, the trick is learning to harness and focus all that power into
one's defense.
This Interactive Safety & Empowerment Program Teaches:
• Awareness Skills on how to avoid altercations.
• Identification of the common mistakes people make in tough situations, and how to overcome
• New choices for dealing with conflict appropriately.
• Anger and Stress Management.
• Effective Verbal Boundaries.
• How to avoid assault.
• How to avoid a fight.
How Does it work?
Students of this training are constantly reporting how "real" the fights seem. The first job of
the Bulletman is to make you feel like you are actually being assaulted, verbally and physically.
Once the fear/adrenaline response kicks in for the student, the brain transitions from cognitive
(thinking) to survival mode. There is a switch from one part of the brain to another more primitive
part that rules our instinctive reactions for survival. Research has shown that this part of the
brain can process about five major bits of information and act on them. This is why real fights are
not the flashy beautiful choreographed battles that we see in Van Damme movies. In reality the "deer
frozen in the headlight" syndrome is evident as our brain shuts down, blocking access to those
beautifully refined techniques that we studied for years to master. What the brain usually links to
in martial artists under stress are those techniques that are simple and most ingrained in us- the
Most shots occur from this range, and most shots MISS! This is because of the nature of an attack is
nothing like target practice at the range. This module of FAST (Fear Adrenaline Stress Training)
will teach the basics of defensive point shooting and how to buy time to deploy your weapon in
stress scenarios you can't simulate on the range. This class is crucial to anyone who has a CCW or
is thinking of getting one.
The course will cover:
• An overview of the legalities of lethal use of force, and how drawing your weapon too soon is
a felony. Scenarios will help you appreciate the fine line between being too early and being
• Adding voice commands for effectiveness and legality
• The affects of adrenaline on your ability to shoot, and why we recommend defensive point
shooting without sight picture, as well as implications for stance, etc.
• Getting off the attack line to buy more time to deploy and avoid "double homicides"
• The difference between training at the range and asymetrical stress training.
Ready to go? Contact us to get started.